Monday, August 10, 2015

Day 29: 30-day #noFacebook challenge - The Penultimate Day

I've normalized my Facebook addiction in the sense that I don't NEED it anymore... but I feel that if I were to revert to my earlier way of thinking, if I let myself use Facebook whenever I wanted, it would take back over pretty quickly. So I'm not going to. I'm going to keep this once a day Facebook restriction as part of my every day. No more 30 day challenge after tomorrow... just normal life.

In other news, today I'm staring a new 30-day challenge (with some caveats that I'll explain later)... I'm going to try working outside my home. I'm a freelance editor by day, and while I love love love the job, the flexibility, the actual work... it can get challenging living inside the same 4 walls I work in.

So I'm challenging myself to get out and work in different places around my community this week. There are psychological reasons why this will be a) hard and b) totally worthwhile for me. So I'm diving in today! I'll let you know where I end up.

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